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項次 中文名詞 英文名詞
61 信用風險 Credit Risk
62 支付系統之信用風險 Credit Risk in Payment System
63 換匯換利 Currency Swaps
64 保管業務 Custody Services
65 債負比率 Debt-Service Ratio
66 外匯收支或交易申報書 Declaration Statement of Foreign Exchange Receipts and Disbursements or Transactions
67 申報義務人 Declaration Statement of Foreign Exchange Receipts and Disbursements or Transactions
68 款券同步交割 Delivery versus Payment (DVP)
69 活期存款 Demand Deposits
70 存款 Deposit
71 國庫保管品寄存證 Deposit Certificate of Treasury Custody
72 國庫機關專戶存款 Deposit of Government Agencies
73 存款收付 Deposits/Withdrawals
74 公開市場操作指定交易商 Designated Dealer for Open Market Operations
75 定時淨額清算機制 Designated-Time Net Settlement (DNS)
76 指定時點轉帳 Designated-time Transfer
77 盲人點 Designation for the Visually Impaired
78 銀行業輔導客戶申報外匯收支或交易應注意事項 Directions for Banking Enterprises while Assisting Customers to Declare Foreign Exchange Receipts and Disbursements or Transactions
79 銀行業辦理外匯業務作業規範 Directions Governing Banking Enterprises for Operating Foreign Exchange Business
80 貼現率 Discount Rate