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項次 中文名詞 英文名詞
261 證券金融公司 Securities Finance Companies
262 證券清算系統 Securities Settlement System
263 防偽特徵 Security Features
264 選擇性信用融通 Selective Credit Accommodation
265 選擇性信用管制 Selective Credit Controls
266 分割公債 Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities (STRIPS)
267 清算 Settlement
268 清算資產 Settlement Asset
269 清算機構 Settlement Institution
270 清算風險 Settlement Risk
271 短期票券集中保管結算交割機制 Short-term Bills Central Depository Clearing-Settlement Mechanism
272 短期外債 Short-term External Debt
273 即期信用狀 Sight L/C
274 單一價格∕利率標 Single Price/Yield Auction
275 結售新臺幣 Sold for NT Dollars
276 樣張 Specimen
277 污損破損不適流通之紙幣及硬幣收兌標準 Standards for Redemption of Soiled or Mutilated Currency Notes and Coins Unfit for Circulation
278 票據止付 Stop Payments
279 可分割公債 Strippable Government Bonds
280 系統性風險 Systematic Risk