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項次 中文名詞 英文名詞
221 以新臺幣結購 Purchased with NT Dollars
222 即時總額清算系統 Real Time Gross Settlement System, RTGS System
223 轉存款 Re-Deposits
224 記名式債券 Registered Securities
225 法規遵循風險 Regulation Compliance Risk
226 外匯經紀商管理辦法 Regulations Governing Foreign Exchange Brokers
227 銀行業辦理外匯業務管理辦法 Regulations Governing Foreign Exchange Business of Banking Enterprises
228 外匯管制辦法 Regulations Governing Foreign Exchange Control
229 外匯收支或交易申報辦法 Regulations Governing the Declaration of Foreign Exchange Receipts and Disbursements or Transactions
230 指定銀行辦理外幣保證金交易代客操作業務管理辦法 Regulations Governing the Discretionary Foreign Currency Margin Trading Business Conducted by Authorized Banks
231 外幣收兌處設置及管理辦法 Regulations Governing the Establishment and Administration of Foreign Currency Exchange Counters
232 偽造變造外國幣券處理辦法 Regulations Governing the Handling of Counterfeit and Altered Foreign Currency Notes and Coins
233 金銀幣及紀念性券幣發行辦法 Regulations Governing the Issuance of Gold and Silver Coins and Commemorative Notes and Coins
234 中央銀行發行新臺幣辦法 Regulations Governing the Issuance of New Taiwan Dollar by the Central Bank of the Republic of China(Taiwan)
235 金融機構處理偽造、變造、仿造新臺幣券幣辦法 Regulations on the Handling of Counterfeit, Altered, and Imitation New Taiwan Dollar Notes and Coins by Financial Institutions
236 法規套利 Regulatory Arbitrage
237 自有資本 Regulatory Capital
238 匯款 Remittance
239 匯款受款人 Remittee
240 匯款人 Remitter