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中文名詞 重要支付系統
英文名詞 Systemically Important Payment System, SIPS

係指對金融體系影響重大的支付系統,這類支付系統是將金融衝擊傳遞到國內和國際金融體系及市場的主要管道。支付系統若具有下列任一條件,該系統便可能是重要支付系統: 1、 該系統為該國唯一的支付系統,或以支付總金額來看,該系統為該國的主要支付系統。 2、 該系統主要係處理大額支付交易。 3、 該系統為金融市場交易進行清算或替其他支付系統進行清算。 就我國而言,支付系統符合上述條件而成為重要支付系統者,如:中央銀行的同業資金電子化調撥清算系統、財金公司的全國跨行通匯系統及台灣票據交換所的票據交換系統等。 [1]

英文解釋 Refers to a payment system which has a great impact on the financial system. These systems are a major channel by which shocks can be transmitted across domestic and international financial systems and markets. It is likely that a system is of systemic importance if at least one of the following is true: (1) it is the only payment system in a country, or the principal system in terms of the aggregate value of payments; (2) it handles mainly payments of high individual values; (3) it is used for the settlement of financial market transactions or for the settlement of other payment systems. In the case of Taiwan, the payment systems which meet the above conditions include: the Central Bank Interbank Fund Transfers and Settlements System, the Interbank Remittance System of the Financial Information Service Co., Ltd. and the Check Clearing System of the Taiwan Clearing House.[1]
關鍵字 Systemically Important Payment System, SIPS