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中文名詞 法定準備金
英文名詞 Reserve Requirements

法定準備金係中央銀行依法要求金融機構對其吸收的各類存款及其他各種負債,依當月每日平均餘額計算,提存一定比率(法定準備率)的準備金,以因應支付需求。由於準備率的調整為中央銀行重要的貨幣政策工具之一,在市場資金普遍缺少時,中央銀行可依經濟情勢變動,適當調降準備率,使金融機構有較多可運用資金從事放款與投資,透過上述信用創造過程,經過一段時間後,對銀行體系存款將產生倍數增加的影響;反之亦然。 [1]

英文解釋 The reserve requirements is imposed by the CBC on financial institutions to allot a certain percentage of reserves (required reserve ratios) based on the daily average balance of the month for each type of deposits and other liabilities to meet payment needs. The adjustment of required reserve ratios is one of the important monetary policy tools used by the CBC. When the market is short of funding, the CBC can reduce the required reserve ratios at appropriate times to enable the financial institutions to have more disposable capital available for lending and investment. The process of credit creation mentioned above, through the multiplier effect, will increase the amount of deposits in banking system after a period of time, and vice versa.[1]
關鍵字 Reserve Requirements