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中文名詞 基準利率
英文名詞 Base Rate

央行自民國91年4月起推動放款利率訂價制度改革,朝向多元化訂價方式發展。基準利率屬其中一種訂價方式,其組成包括指標利率及一定比率,指標利率由銀行自行選取主要銀行定存或定儲平均利率、金融業隔夜拆款利率或短期票券次級市場平均利率等作為定價基礎﹔一定比率則由各銀行參酌自身作業成本及利率風險貼水等因素訂定,不宜輕易調整。 以基準利率計價之放款案件只能加碼,不得減碼承作,加碼幅度視客戶信用狀況、借款額度、期限,擔保品有無等決定,且加碼幅度於貸款契約存續期間不得任意調整。[1]

英文解釋 Since April 2002 the Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan) has been promoting a bank lending interest rate reform toward diversified pricing, among which the base lending rate is composed of a baseline (reference) rate and a markup rate. The baseline (reference) rate may be based on the average interest rate on time deposits and/or time saving deposits of major banks specified by each individual bank, the interbank overnight call loan rate, or the average rate on short-term bills traded in the secondary market. The markup rate is a fixed percentile margin that is set by each individual bank in accordance with its cost of funds and the interest rate risk premium, and it is not to be altered at will.Any loan applied for at the base lending rate shall be made with an interest rate markup only, instead of a markdown, with the margin dependent on the borrower's credit status, borrowing amount, maturity, collateral pledged, etc. It is not allowed to alter the markup rate at each bank's will during the validity period of a loan contract.[1]
關鍵字 Base Rate