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Central Bank of the Republic of China


Financial Statistics Monthly, Republic of China (Taiwan)


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Financial Conditions[ Word ][ PDF ]
Charts of Financial Indicators[ Excel ][ PDF ]
1.Key Financial Indicators[ Excel ][ PDF ]
Key Financial Indicators (Continued 1)[ Excel ][ PDF ]
Key Financial Indicators (Continued 2)[ Excel ][ PDF ]
Key Financial Indicators (Continued 3)[ Excel ][ PDF ]
Appendix : Seasonally Adjusted Key Financial Indicators[ Excel ][ PDF ]
2.Number of Financial Institutions[ Excel ][ PDF ]
3.Reserve Money
A.Averages of Daily Figures[ Excel ][ PDF ]
B.End of Month[ Excel ][ PDF ]
4.Factors Responsible for Changes in Reserve Money[ Excel ][ PDF ]
5.Monetary Aggregates
A.Averages of Daily Figures[ Excel ][ PDF ]
B.End of Month[ Excel ][ PDF ]
6.Factors Responsible for Changes in Monetary Aggregate M1b[ Excel ][ PDF ]
7.Factors Responsible for Changes in Monetary Aggregate M2[ Excel ][ PDF ]
8.Assets and Liabilities of Central Bank[ Excel ][ PDF ]
Assets and Liabilities of Central Bank (Continued)[ Excel ][ PDF ]
9.Consolidated Assets and Liabilities of Other Monetary Financial Institutions[ Excel ][ PDF ]
Consolidated Assets and Liabilities of Other Monetary Financial Institutions (Continued)[ Excel ][ PDF ]
10.Consolidated Assets and Liabilities of Monetary Financial Institutions[ Excel ][ PDF ]
Consolidated Assets and Liabilities of Monetary Financial Institutions (Continued)[ Excel ][ PDF ]
11.Consolidated Assets and Liabilities of Financial Institutions[ Excel ][ PDF ]
Consolidated Assets and Liabilities of Financial Institutions (Continued)[ Excel ][ PDF ]
Appendix 1:Assets and Liabilities of Domestic Banks[ Excel ][ PDF ]
Assets and Liabilities of Domestic Banks (Continued)[ Excel ][ PDF ]
Appendix 2:Assets and Liabilities of Local Branches of Foreign and Manland Chinese Banks[ Excel ][ PDF ]
Assets and Liabilities of Local Branches of Foreign and Mainland Chinese Banks (Continued)[ Excel ][ PDF ]
Appendix 3:Assets and Liabilities of Credit Cooperative Associations[ Excel ][ PDF ]
Assets and Liabilities of Credit Cooperative Associations (Continued)[ Excel ][ PDF ]
Appendix 4:Assets and Liabilities of Credit Departments of Farmers' and Fishermen's Associations[ Excel ][ PDF ]
Assets and Liabilities of Credit Departments of Farmers' and Fishermen's Associations (Continued)[ Excel ][ PDF ]
Appendix 5:Assets and Liabilities of Chunghwa Post Co.[ Excel ][ PDF ]
Assets and Liabilities of Chunghwa Post Co. (Continued)[ Excel ][ PDF ]
Appendix 6:Assets and Liabilities of Money Market Mutual Funds[ Excel ][ PDF ]
Appendix 7:Assets and Liabilities of Trust and Investment Companies[ Excel ][ PDF ]
Appendix 8:Assets and Liabilities of Life Insurance Companies[ Excel ][ PDF ]
12.Flow Of Deposit Money
A.Debits and Deposit Turnover Rate of Domestic Banks[ Excel ][ PDF ]
B.Bank Clearings and Dishonored Checks and Bills[ Excel ][ PDF ]
13.Reserve Requirements and Liquid Reserves
A.Required Reserve Ratios of Deposits, Other Debts and Trust Funds[ Excel ][ PDF ]
B.Reserve Requirements of Financial Institutions[ Excel ][ PDF ]
C.Liquidity Ratio and Liquid Reserves of Other Monetary Financial Institutions[ Excel ][ PDF ]
14.Open Market Transactions[ Excel ][ PDF ]
15.Payment Systems[ Excel ][ PDF ]
16.Deposits with All Banks
A.By Account[ Excel ][ PDF ]
B.By Industry[ Excel ][ PDF ]
C.By Sector[ Excel ][ PDF ]
Appendix:Time Deposits and Time Savings Deposits[ Excel ][ PDF ]
Appendix:Time Deposits and Time Savings Deposits (Continued 1)[ Excel ][ PDF ]
Appendix:Time Deposits and Time Savings Deposits (Continued 2)[ Excel ][ PDF ]
Appendix:Time Deposits and Time Savings Deposits (Continued 3)[ Excel ][ PDF ]
Appendix:Time Deposits and Time Savings Deposits (Continued 4)[ Excel ][ PDF ]
17.Loans and Discounts at All Banks
A.By Account[ Excel ][ PDF ]
B.By Sector[ Excel ][ PDF ]
C.By Industry[ Excel ][ PDF ]
C.By Industry (Continued 1)[ Excel ][ PDF ]
C.By Industry (Continued 2)[ Excel ][ PDF ]
C.By Industry (Continued 3)[ Excel ][ PDF ]
C.By Industry (Continued 4)[ Excel ][ PDF ]
C.By Industry (Continued 5)[ Excel ][ PDF ]
Appendix:Loans and Discounts at All Banks to Private & Government Enterprises in the Manufacturing Sector[ Excel ][ PDF ]
Appendix:Loans and Discounts at All Banks to Private & Government Enterprises in the Manufacturing Sector(Continued)[ Excel ][ PDF ]
D.By Amount[ Excel ][ PDF ]
E.By Maturity[ Excel ][ PDF ]
18.Consumer Loans and Loans for Construction[ Excel ][ PDF ]
19.Foreign Currency Loans at All Banks[ Excel ][ PDF ]
20.Credit Card and ATM Transactions[ Excel ][ PDF ]
21.Assets and Liabilities of Property and Casualty Insurance Companies[ Excel ][ PDF ]
22.Assets and Liabilities of Central Deposit Insurance Corporation[ Excel ][ PDF ]
23.Assets and Liabilities of Bills Finance Companies[ Excel ][ PDF ]
24.Assets and Liabilities of Securities Finance Companies[ Excel ][ PDF ]
25.Interbank Call Loans
A.Transactions by Institutions[ Excel ][ PDF ]
B.Amounts Outstanding by Institutions[ Excel ][ PDF ]
C.Transactions by Maturities[ Excel ][ PDF ]
D.Amounts Outstanding by Maturities[ Excel ][ PDF ]
26.Bills Market
A.Transactions by Instruments[ Excel ][ PDF ]
B.Transactions by Customers[ Excel ][ PDF ]
C.Issues, Redemptions and Amounts Outstanding of Bills[ Excel ][ PDF ]
27.Bonds Market
A.Transactions[ Excel ][ PDF ]
B.Issues, Redemptions and Amounts Outstanding of Government Bonds[ Excel ][ PDF ]
C.Issues, Redemptions and Amounts Outstanding of Domestic Corporate Bonds and Bank Debentures[ Excel ][ PDF ]
28.Stock Market
A.Margin Transaction on Listed Companies[ Excel ][ PDF ]
B.Transactions of Listed Stock and Stock Price Index[ Excel ][ PDF ]
29.Interest Rates
A.Rates of Central Bank[ Excel ][ PDF ]
B.Rates of Banks[ Excel ][ PDF ]
B.Rates of Banks(Continued 1)[ Excel ][ PDF ]
B.Rates of Banks(Continued 2)[ Excel ][ PDF ]
B.Rates of Banks(Continued 3)[ Excel ][ PDF ]
C.Weighted Average Interest Rates on Deposits and Loans[ Excel ][ PDF ]
D.New Loans and Interest Rates by Five Leading Banks[ Excel ][ PDF ]
E.Interbank Call Loan Rates[ Excel ][ PDF ]
F.Money Market Interest Rates[ Excel ][ PDF ]
G.Capital Market Interest Rates[ Excel ][ PDF ]
30.Foreign Exchange
A.Export and Import Foreign Exchange Proceeds and Payments[ Excel ][ PDF ]
B.Daily Trading and Foreign Exchange Net Positions[ Excel ][ PDF ]
C.Taipei Foreign Currency Call Loan Market[ Excel ][ PDF ]
31.Foreign Exchange Rates
A.Spot Exchange Rates and Interest Rates on Accommodations for Usance Letter of Credit[ Excel ][ PDF ]
B.Spot Exchange Rates[ Excel ][ PDF ]
B.Spot Exchange Rates (Continued)[ Excel ][ PDF ]
C.Forward Exchange Rates of the N.T. Dollar against the U.S. Dollar[ Excel ][ PDF ]
32.Assets and Liabilities of Offshore Banking Units[ Excel ][ PDF ]
33.Maturities of Major Assets and Liabilities of Offshore Banking Units[ Excel ][ PDF ]
34.Balance of Payments (by Year)[ Excel ][ PDF ]
35.Balance of Payments (by Quarter)[ Excel ][ PDF ]
36.Loans & Investments Revalued - Monetary Financial Institutions[ Excel ][ PDF ]
37.Annual Growth Rates of Loans & Investments of Financial Institutions[ Excel ][ PDF ]
38.List of Financial Institutions[ Word ][ PDF ]
Explanatory notes on the Compilation of Financial Statistics[ Word ][ PDF ]


Balance of Payments Quarterly, Republic of China (Taiwan)

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