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Central Bank of the Republic of China


Balance Sheet 2006

Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan) Balance Sheet

Unit : NT$ Million
Item December 31, 2006 December 31, 2005
Assets 9,450,584 9,094,570
 Foreign Assets 1 8,844,232 8,476,663
 Due From Domestic Banks 140,821 22,461
 Loans & Accommodations 298,853 403,150
 Securities Purchased    
 Other Assets 2 166,678 192,296
Liabilities & Net Worth 9,450,584 9,094,570
 Liabilities 8,362,781 8,212,047
  Currency Issued 959,792 922,910
  Deposits of Financial Institutions 926,319 837,644
  Certificates of Deposit Issued 3,755,930 3,520,820
  Redeposit of Financial Institutions 1,969,985 2,025,113
  Government Deposits 186,171 203,643
  Reserve for Foreign Exchange Losses 97,100 97,100
  Other Liabilities 3 467,484 604,817
 Net Worth 4 1,087,803 882,523


  1. Foreign Assets include gold, deposits with foreign banks, and securities issued by foreign governments & supranational institutions.
  2. Other Assets include accrued interest receivable, bank premises and deferred assets, etc.
  3. Other Liabilities include  accrued interest payable and securities sold under repurchase agreements, etc.
  4. Net Worth includes capital, legal reserve, special reserve and retained earnings-unappropriated, etc.